Here’s why you don’t need hand positions for Reiki
We don’t attract our experiences

How Can I Make a Difference?

When the media bombards us with many, many stories of ways in which people are cruel and the world is crumbling, it can be very hard not to feel helpless. After a scroll down my Facebook feed in the morning, I feel tempted to hide under the covers and never come out. “How can anything […]
EFT (Tapping) Sessions

Small Business Award!

Intuitive Counseling and Classes

Reiki healing

Angel Card Readings

Here it is! Today is my 49th birthday. The first day of the last year of my 40s.And, things are good! Here are some of the things I’ve been doing since my 48th birthday:I’m working on completing my dissertation, with an eye on graduating in May.I have …
What’s good?
Today while giving a Reiki session, the words, “What’s good?” came into my head. As I wasn’t thinking about anything in particular, save the feel of the energy, I knew it was an important message. I said to my client, who is struggling with ongoing guilt, that in every situation is an opportunity for us to […]