Reiki for Parents is in Session!

This week I started teaching Reiki for Parents to my first group of students. In preparing to do so, I wrote a manual. This was an interesting process for me, as it naturally forced me to examine the way I use Reiki in my parenting, and decide how I wanted to organize the course.

I ended up breaking down the uses for Reiki into children’s age groups, such as how to use Reiki for infants, toddlers, children and teens. I also made a list of general ways to use Reiki to help with parenting, such as clearing negative energy from a room after an argument, grounding oneself and one’s child, and giving Reiki to your child at bedtime.

I added a section with exercises to practice channeling the Reiki energy in order to incorporate it into a daily way of life, rather than something to set time aside for. These included adding Reiki to a hug, sending Reiki to improve a problematic situation, and giving Reiki to a bump or bruise to help it stop hurting.

As most students will be receiving Kundalini Reiki attunements, I also included healings and uses for Reiki broken down by Kundalini Reiki level.

Finally, I put in some important things to remember about Reiki, including how to explain Reiki to a child, what to expect to feel or not feel during Reiki, and how to ground one’s energy. I added a section about attuning children, and some helpful suggestions for how children can use Reiki to empower themselves to cope with life’s challenges.

It was an educational experience for me to organize my thinking about showing parents the value and methods to incorporate Reiki into their parenting. While I feel certain that there will be revisions as the course develops, I also feel confident in bringing this manual to my new students.

If anyone would like to join the Reiki for Parents course, I am accepting a few more students. Enrollment is limited so I can provide close guidance through the course, which takes 3-4 weeks to complete.

You can find out more and sign up here through the link on my website.

In other news, I had a very nice interview with psychic Betsy Balega on her radio show. I’ve posted the player on the left hand column so you can listen to the recorded show.

Also, I’ve added a Corporate and Personal Wellness section to my website. I am pleased to be partnering with my friend Fred Krazeise, a massage therapist and Reiki Master Teacher, on speaking to people in the workplace about wellness and energy healing. You can find out more here.

If you have not tried or experienced the benefits that Reiki can bring to your life, I encourage you to contact me. Experience Reiki and then learn it for yourself. The ways in which Reiki can improve your life are unlimited and profound.


Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt