Introspective Hypnosis Sessions
inside out to embrace joy and live your purpose.

Build Emotional Stability with Introspective Hypnosis
While an Introspective Hypnosis session facilitates self-discovery and the exploration of unresolved issues, its true power lies in cultivating lasting emotional stability. By reaching the underlying causes behind emotional distress, we can address them at their source, creating a sense of inner peace and resilience. This process can help you:
Release emotional
I can help you process and release past hurts, traumas, or negative experiences that contribute to your current emotional state. By letting go of these burdens, you can create space for greater emotional well-being.
Develop a healthier coping mechanism
Gain valuable insights into your emotional triggers and develop healthier ways to manage difficult emotions. The session empowers you to navigate challenges with greater emotional strength and resilience.
Shift negative
Limiting beliefs about yourself impact your emotional well-being. Introspective Hypnosis helps you identify and clear these negative self-perceptions, fostering a more positive and empowering self-image.
Experienced and Certified Practitioner
Here I am with my teachers, Antonio Sangio and Alba Weinman, upon completing my training.

Who Can Benefit from Introspective Hypnosis?
Introspective Hypnosis is a therapeutic method designed to help those who have symptoms without a medical explanation, such as pain, sadness, feeling disconnected from love or life purpose, depression, fears, phobias, relationship issues, addictions, etc. Through this technique, I will guide you on a journey in search of the origin of your issue and help you bring healing and closure to that situation. This shift will then affect a change in your present circumstance, often clearing the symptoms completely.
What Techniques are Included in Introspective Hypnosis?
During an Introspective Hypnosis session, I combine a variety of techniques, such as:
- Forgiveness therapy
- Ericksonian hypnosis
- Past life regression
- Role change
- Spirit assistance, also known as spirit releasement
All are done during the session while you are in a deeply relaxed state. From this state, the subconscious mind can actively show us what has caused your symptoms and allow access to heal that cause.
How does the subconscious mind hold issues that I’m experiencing physically or emotionally now?
The human body can act as a big repository of repressed emotions. The conscious mind can repress any event or experience that might overload us as a form of protection. It stores that event in the subconscious mind until we are ready to deal with it. We unknowingly put these repressed emotions “on hold” due to societal concerns, issues in our daily lives, belief systems, religion, or for other reasons. When ignored for a period of time, these issues can manifest as tension in different parts of the body, pain, headaches, cancer, tumors, or other symptoms. They can also become emotional issues like anxiety, phobias, triggers, anger, feelings of unworthiness, shame, and more.
It is the objective of Introspective Hypnosis to find those pending issues that might have originated either in this life or even in a past one. Healing of the soul in any past life will affect the same soul in the present one.
Other symptoms can be caused by spirit attachments. Introspective Hypnosis was not only created to help incarnated spirits, it was also created to help disembodied ones, the ones that are lost, confused, or that might have pending issues with the host. Introspective Hypnosis allows us to help them by treating them with love, respect, and affection, by working with them on forgiveness, and assisting them to the light to help continue their evolution.
Once the spirit leaves, any symptom, thoughts, or behavior transmitted to the host will be gone with them, allowing almost immediate relief.
What makes Introspective Hypnosis different from other regression techniques?
Introspective Hypnosis was developed to focus on events or issues that originated in the current lifetime. If the origin is not found in the present life, then we ask the subconscious to take us to a past life to the time when it originated.
This technique brings about profound healing responses, often in just one session, as it works with the subconscious mind as a guide to the origin of the issue that will trigger healing to happen.
This method is very flexible, based on the principle that each person is unique. It can easily be adapted to the requirements of each client and each session, in order to look for the most positive outcome.
Introspective Hypnosis is therapeutic. It is not used for “stage hypnosis” or as a tour of a number of past lives for curiosity’s sake. It is powerful, often emotional during the session, and deeply healing.
All information from a session is completely confidential. (With the legally defined exception of if you are in danger, or a danger to yourself or others).
What to Expect During an Introspective Hypnosis Session
Introspective Hypnosis sessions can last up to two hours.
You Will:
- Become deeply relaxed
- Remain conscious and aware (97% of those under hypnosis are conscious the entire time, just in an altered state of consciousness that allows access to repressed memories.)
- Feel emotional (this is totally normal and actually helps very much with the process)
- Be guided to memories that are integral to your healing
- Have access to memories and details you may have forgotten
- Be absolutely safe and in capable, compassionate, caring hands throughout your entire session
After Your Session:
You will receive a video recording of your session for review, allowing you to revisit the insights and experiences that arose during your session.
Recommendations for Your Session
Here are some simple tips to help you get the most out of your Introspective Hypnosis session and pave the way for lasting healing and transformation.
- Embrace an open-minded approach.
- Trust the process and allow yourself to explore.
- Let go of resistance and focus on the experience.
- Wear comfortable clothing to support your relaxation.
- Feel safe to express your emotions without judgment.
- Come to your session well-hydrated, and eat a light snack beforehand.
From Stressed to Serene: Morgan Shares Her Introspective Hypnosis Experience
In the video below, Morgan S. describes how she feels after her Introspective Hypnosis Session.
Introspective Hypnosis Sessions are $250 for a two hour session. Payment is collected upon booking.
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