Movin’ Right Along to Chios Level 2
Chios level 1 was a fine introduction to channeling energy, and because of my experience with Reiki, it was very comfortable for me. I completed the workbook and practice exercises, and was really ready for more of the heart of studying Chios.Today, my Chios teacher attuned me to Chios level 2. The manual for this […]
Energy Growth Through Practice
My Chios 1 Attunement last night was very enlightening. I sat, relaxed, with palms facing up as I was told. I experienced some swirling colors behind my closed eyes, and energetic sensations around my head. It lasted about 6 minutes, and then my teacher called me on the phone to tell me that she had […]
Chios Healing Level 1 Attunement Tonight!
I’ve sought out and selected a certified Chios Healing teacher. She will be giving me the first attunement tonight, and will be my guide on my journey to learn Chios Healing and incorporate it into my Reiki practice. I’m excited about opening my mind to this new way to intuit energy, and increasing my capacity […]
The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
We’re still surrounded by mounds of snow here, but seem to have dug enough pathways to get to and from where we need to go, so that’s progress for you.Meanwhile, I want to report that I had a great meeting last night with a really wonderful Reiki person. We are exploring the possibilities of working […]
Snowed In
We got hit with a major snowstorm from Friday through very early this morning, leaving us with 2 feet of snow and with everything closed. So unfortunately, was the Reiki clinic where I was planning to go volunteer and give hands-on Reiki on Saturday. I guess it will have to wait a couple of weeks. […]
Reiki Here and Waaaaaay Over There
Thanks to my blog, people from places all over the world contact me asking for distance Reiki. Sometimes it’s out of curiosity, sometimes out of need, and I always try to oblige. I enjoy helping, and turning people on to Reiki. Weirdly, this last week, I’ve had two separate requests for distance Reiki from Singapore, […]
Awakening my Husband
This is an update from last night’s post….Last night I gave my husband a Reiki I attunement. I was hesitant to talk too much about it to him because I think he wasn’t interested in a lot of directions yet. So I told him how to call the Reiki energy to his hands when he […]
Doing Attunements
I’ve been practicing doing attunements on my kids, who were already previously attuned to Reiki. Each of them has let me re-attune them to the level they are already at, for my own practice. And tonight, da-da-da-da!!! I attuned my husband, who has not only never been attuned, but has been ambivalent about Reiki for […]
Colorful Reading
Last night I read Jane Struthers’ Working With Auras: Your Complete Guide to Health and Wellbeing from cover to cover. It is full of photographs and excellent examples, and is very easy to follow and inspirational. I’m making some progress in terms of training myself to see auras, because I can, when I try, catch […]
Opening Doors
I waste no time. When I get an idea, I go for it. Today, I asked my son’s preschool director if she would be interested in me doing a Reiki demo for her teachers, and then seeing if there would be interest in learning Reiki I, with the idea that, as a teacher myself, I […]