How Can I Make a Difference?

When the media bombards us with many, many stories of ways in which people are cruel and the world is crumbling, it can be very hard not to feel helpless. After a scroll down my Facebook feed in the morning, I feel tempted to hide under the covers and never come out.  “How can anything […]

46- My Birthday Tattoo

It’s my birthday! Today also marks 8 years of blogging.  Every year, I blog on my birthday. It helps me look back over the past birthday posts to see where I was, and realize what an amazing year it’s been – and then I think about how I’ll look back next year and be even […]

Practical Reiki is READY!

Hello everyone! It’s funny, but a year ago I was told that I’d write a book about Reiki and I laughed and said that was silly, that there wasn’t anything to say about Reiki that wasn’t already in a book. I stand corrected. Recently, I was at The Cleveland Clinic, where I volunteer with the […]

Guest post by author E.Dee Conrad – Channeling

Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 2 of the Virtual Blog Tour for A New Dawn Awaits by author E.Dee Conrad. I have been fortunate to receive an advance copy of her book, and it is a fascinating read that I recommend to everyone looking for some insight! There’s […]