Tachyon Energy Stones
I have purchased and received some assorted stones of different colors and types. I am charging them with Tachyon Energy. Tachyon Energy infuses the stones permanently as generators of Life Force Energy, the same energy that Reiki works with. Carrying one of these can help energize you, help you feel more balanced and positive. Putting […]
Moving Forward, Moving Upward
First, I would like to express big thanks to Jane Arnell, who graciously offered, designed and gifted me the most beautiful, perfect and fitting header to my blog that I could ever have imagined. Such wonderful talent and generosity is a true blessing. And she’s a cool person too so click on her name and […]
Thanksgiving Offerings
Hello friends,I’ve been thinking of the giving time of year, and wish to give something back as a thank-you to those who refer people to me. So from Thanksgiving through Dec. 20 (the 1st anniversary of my ReikiAwakening blog!), I am offering your choice of a free Colors of Angels, or Tachyon/ Tachyon Source (if […]
Moving Energy Around
I had the pleasure and honor to meet Warren Grossman on Thursday evening at the class I’ve been teaching at Akiva High School. He had a roomful of teens riveted as he told his story of going from a basically everyday educated person to having a near-death experience with a parasite, and a slow recovery […]
Energetic Experiences of Late
I thought I’d post today about some interesting experiences I’ve had lately with Reiki and energy healing. Last weekend, my husband and I went to my 20th High School reuinion (yes, folks, do the math, I’m getting old!). The food was…well not so great. My dear hubby ended up with a stomach ache that night. […]
Tachyon Energy
I heard from Ole Gabrielson, (founder of Kundalini Reiki), that he had updated the Tachyon energy attunement that he offers, and it’s use is considered by him to be a partner energy for Kundalini Reiki, especially in terms of healing and attunements. I was curious about Tachyon and read about it on several websites. I […]