Chios Healing Level 1 Attunement Tonight!

I’ve sought out and selected a certified Chios Healing teacher. She will be giving me the first attunement tonight, and will be my guide on my journey to learn Chios Healing and incorporate it into my Reiki practice. I’m excited about opening my mind to this new way to intuit energy, and increasing my capacity for working with ULF (Universal Life Force energy). My attunement and study will be remote, via distance. Most Chios healing attunements are done this way, as Chios Healing teachers are few and far between. More information is available on the Chios Healing website at . My teacher will be Constance Dohan at . I felt a good connection with her when we emailed and spoke on the phone. She’s also in my home state, though a couple of hours away, but chances of meeting her personally are much better than if she were across the country. The Chios course will take about six weeks to complete. I have signed up for the whole shebang – all three levels in sequence, and at the end, I should have Master Teacher level certification and be able to attune and teach Chios Healing to others. I’ll continue to journal here about my learning, growth and experiences along the way.

I’m also sending my second “professional” distance Reiki treatment tonight. The first was a success, so much so that the recipient asked for more. In fact, she said that she went into last week’s session not believing that she would feel anything at all, and was astounded by the bubble of relaxing and soothing energy she felt surrounding her during my sending. It was very gratifying to hear that, and also that she wanted to schedule another session. She also has been speaking to her friends and coworkers about Reiki, and how great it was. I’m pretty happy with the idea of going professional, and hope things continue in this direction. I feel strong and qualified, and the feedback I receive is very encouraging.

Love & Light.

Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt