Chios Level 3

Last night I was attuned to Chios Healing level 3. I have a new manual and workbook with exercises to learn, and this attunement is supposed to greatly strengthen my ability to “see” the energy and energetic issues. I am feeling very positive about working to develop this part of my senses.

I also have been able, since my last post, to tune in to see my daughters Sari and Rayna’s auras. Rayna’s is yellow-green, and Sari’s is pure yellow. I’m not surprised in either case, as the colors really match their personalities well. Both are highly creative, passionate, and Rayna has a compassionate nature as well. I’m going to try to see my son, Eli’s aura later today or over the weekend.

I had a interesting job interview yesterday for a very different sort of opportunity that could stretch me in a new direction, but also allow me to work at home, be creative, and do a little bit of travel too. I’ll know in the next two weeks if the job will be offered to me, but it seems likely. The job would start in May. I’ll post more specifics when I have an actual offer. Regardless, I will keep up this blog, which has become an important part of my learning and growth process, and of course, keep working on energy healing as well.

Peace, Love & Light

Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt