I want to try Reiki, but I’m afraid it won’t work. What should I do?

Q: I want to try Reiki, but I’m afraid it won’t work. What should I do? 

A: Try it. There are many ways that Reiki can help you, and it won’t ever cause harm. You have nothing to lose by trying (save the fee for a Reiki session maybe), but the benefits you experience could be so amazing that you’ll wonder why you waited as long as you did.

While it is not possible to predict in what ways the Reiki will absolutely help you (because that’s really up to you, not the practitioner), you WILL be helped. Maybe you’ll have better sleep that night. Maybe you’ll feel lighter and more positive. Maybe you’ll receive relief from your anxiety, or pain, or frustration, or your body will begin a healing process. 

There are many things in life a person might miss out on for fear of trying. Ask yourself what is the real root of the fear, and if it’s worth putting aside for the sake of trying something that has the potential of helping. Many people have to step a bit outside their comfort zone, or their realm of experience, to be willing to try Reiki. But for many who do take that step, the results are life-changing and powerful. At the very least, you should experience Reiki. 

If it’s about the financial outlay, there are places and practitioners that will give you a discounted or free Reiki session. Many people have friends, neighbors, or family members who practice Reiki and would be willing to give a session without cost.

If your fear is about something else, decide if it’s better to not know how much Reiki could help, than to actually give it a try. You’re choosing between ignorance (not knowing) and experience (a way of directly learning). Reiki cannot cause harm in any way.

You could choose to learn more about Reiki, and its benefits, by reading a book first. This might help reassure you, inform you, and help you decide it’s okay to try it. I wrote a very clearly explained book about Reiki that really is meant to be an “under the hood” view of Reiki. That is, I keep the explanations simple, and describe Reiki without rituals, without symbols, just how the energy can be directed, and how it can help. My book is called Practical Reiki: for Balance, Well Being, and Vibrant Health. If any reader would like a $5 discount code to use for purchase, I’d invite you to just click here.