Moving Energy Around

I had the pleasure and honor to meet Warren Grossman on Thursday evening at the class I’ve been teaching at Akiva High School. He had a roomful of teens riveted as he told his story of going from a basically everyday educated person to having a near-death experience with a parasite, and a slow recovery aided by the Earth. He was never the same once he had the chance to observe the Earth’s effect on his body, healing, heart, and perception of living energy. It was truly inspirational. Second half of class he was just with me and my two students who were present (two were not present and sure missed a lot). He demonstrated energy healing on each student in turn, and they were very moved by the experience. He talked about how he can see their chakras, and the size, shape, color and position of each told him things about where each person needed healing. Amazing.

At the end of class, he took a look at my energy and invited me to come to his home for a healing because he thought I could use it in several places. Not surprising – I know I tend to burn the candle at both ends on a regular basis. I wanted to experience for myself the effects of his healing method so I went on Friday. According to him, I was pretty out of whack energy wise. So he did meditational stuff, had me “feel” where my feet are connected to the ground, and he stood across from me, and kind of pointed at each chakra and did adjustments on them from where he stood. I felt…vibrational energy. He also had me walk around his apartment a few times concentrating on my feet. The feet take in energy from the Earth, so being aware of them is the first step (ha – pun!) to becoming aware of this energy. He did the adjustment two more times, had me walk two more times, and sent me on my way. Although he usually charges for a session, he did not ask me for money. I brought him a Tachyon charged gemstone as a gift of appreciation. The next day I felt pretty sluggish energy wise. His advice to me was to get regular exercise and each day 2-3 times a day to stand back against a tree. I admit I haven’t been able to do those things quite yet due to blechy cold weather. But I’ll get to it…

In Tachyon news… Ole Gabrielson has developed a new Tachyon energy attunement called Tachyon Source attunement. This allows one to charge an object as a source of Tachyon energy – permanently – such that the object will charge other objects it touches and the surrounding air with Tachyon energy (which converts to Life Force Energy – Ki). I have received this attunement and have already passed it on to one person. I’ve been experimenting with charging water, stones, crystals, rocks, the shower head, and disks with this energy. The vibration seems more subtle than Reiki feels to me, yet I do feel it has given me an energy boost during the day, and also during distance energy channeling. If you are interested in the Tachyon Source attunement, please send me an email. The prerequisite for this attunement is Tachyon energy attunement. The fee will be $25 ($18 if I have attuned you to Kundalini Reiki or Tachyon energy). I will email the manual and offer an emailed certificate as well (if desired). I’m a member of Ole’s forum, and people on there do interesting experiments with Tachyon energy. If you’d like an invitation to the forum (it’s invitation only), please email me and I’ll invite you.

Finally, thanks to my friend Cher for being my mentor in intuitive development. She has guided me in practicing channeling lately. I posted on a Facebook group an offer to channel information if someone has a question, as long as it’s understood that this is for my practice and I make no promises about accuracy. All I ask in return is that I receive feedback afterward. The question should be something the person wants to know – not “What color are my eyes?” but something about your options or future, or something you are wondering about. A little background is appreciated as well. I’ve done this three times now for various people, and it seems as if it is going well. The feedback has been positive and rather validating for me. So consider yourselves, my dear blog readers, also invited to try this with me and present me the opportunity for further practice. Just drop me an email and I’ll get back to you with what I hear from your spiritual guides when I tune in. It’s a learning experience for both of us – win-win!

Always a journey and an adventure!

Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt