Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to focus on what blesses our lives. I would like to share some conventional and also some possibly “out there” things that I feel grateful for this Thanksgiving.

  • My wonderful husband, Evan. First, foremost, and always. He is the one who supports, encourages me, and keeps me grounded. He lets me work to grow my Reiki practice and work from home, even when a more “traditional” job would ease some pressure financially. He also helps me make sound business decisions with my unconventional chosen career. Evan is a fantastic and patient father, great cook and regularly pitches in with chores. Every day I love him more. Thank you, Evan. Thank you for being #1 on my list.

  • Our children, Rayna, Sari, Eli and Arin. They are wonderful, unique, energetic, and joyful people who show me new ways to see life. I love watching them grow and all of the dynamics that they bring to our family life. They fill our world with love and enrich it with challenge and blessings.

  • Having a roof over our heads, cars to drive, and food on the table. Regardless of our financial challenges, these essentials are a constant and we’re ok.

  • My parents, grandma, and sisters who love us and are there for me and my family. We have weekly Friday night dinners with my mom, dad and grandma, and we’re so grateful for the bonding that is strengthened by our regular coming together.

  • Good friends, most notably Ernie, Connie, and Valerie, who I love spending time with, admire, and who make life easier, more fun, and help me see myself.

  • Online friends I know from Twitter and Facebook, who remind me that I’m not alone but connected and cared for beyond the confines of my local reality, including (but not limited to): Amy Oscar, Krystal, Quelsen, Manish, Marcel, Don, and Tom.

  • My students, local and online, who have embraced what I offer them with amazement and gratitude, and who push me to think deeply about my own practice and growth every day.

  • All of youwho are caring enough to read my blog, whether you comment or not. It’s nice to know that you are interested. I’m glad you’re here.

Now the other items on my list this year, a little unconventional but still worthy of gratitude:

  • My “just do it” attitude. I am grateful for the trait I have that lets me just jump into new experiences and try them without taking the time to doubt or worry about whether they will be successful in the end. I find that even if something I try is not the best thing for me, I always learn more about myself in making the effort to find out. I’ve surprised myself more than a few times when I’ve taken a chance. I’ve discovered that I spoke well, connected with people, got invited to teach, and learned more about what I’m capable of. Wherever this courage or stupidity comes from, I’m grateful it’s there. An example is that I submitted an audition video for a contest called which selects ten people to attend a conference in Washington, DC that helps you get connected with opportunities to speak your message and reach lots of people from the stage at large events. They want to support new businesses that help people. I know that what I do is a little different from their usual participant, but I also know that I have made great effort to grow my practice in many ways, I speak from the heart, and the chance to reach more people would help me spread the message that anyone can learn Reiki and tap into their power for healing. Whether I am selected or not, I feel good about being able to express how passionate I am about teaching Reiki. I think that the experience of creating an audition video will lead somewhere, and I look forward to discovering where. Incidentally, you can support me by tweeting on Twitter to @BlueM, @SuzanneEvans, @davidneagle, and/or @baribmb to select me as a finalist! The results will be announced on Monday, and the event ( is Dec. 7-11 in Washington, DC. I’ll keep you posted.

  • Times that things did not work out. These have been the events that motivated me to look further, be creative, and try new ideas that ultimately led to bigger and better things. An air of anticipation replaced feelings of failure, and it’s much more positive of a place to be. When registration did not come in for my local Reiki class, I started looking outside the wellness center for opportunities, and came up with new ways to expand my practice. New connections have been initiated, new classes are in the works, and I know progress is being made. I’ll keep you posted about those things as they develop.

  • An ongoing flow of support from my guides and angels, who are lining things up just right for my path. The more I notice things falling into place, the more there are to notice. Even typing this item opens the way for more good energy to flow into my life. I’m ready. I’m grateful.

I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you can also take the time to see all there is to be grateful for in your life. I welcome your comments.
Love. Light. Peace. Blessings. Joy.

Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt