The Darkness and the Light

I had a sad sort of experience the other day – the first time something like this has happened to me. A person, I’ll call him D, contacted me first for a Reiki healing, and then for attunements. He saved up the fee, and was very excited about it. I had sent him the first two attunements, both of which were met with great enthusiasm and success. Then, right before his third attunement, he abruptly told me he would not be continuing. I was surprised, and asked him what happened. His explanation surprised me, and left me feeling sad.

He had gotten into a conversation with a member of his religion’s clergy. This person told him that Reiki is evil, the devil’s work. That Reiki makes people think they have powers, like a diety, and is meant to undermine God’s plan by causing them to deny the existence of God, thinking they are gods themselves. He went on to say that the man who told him this had been into energy work before – astral projection – and had met evil entities on the astral plane. He advised me to quit practicing and teaching Reiki based on this.

I find it very disturbing that the practice of Reiki could be so misunderstood and vilified. I also find it disturbing that someone who had experienced it for himself could be so easily convinced of these extreme views. I tried to express how I disagreed, and how Reiki has helped me strengthen my connection to Source rather than make me need it less. I stressed that as God’s creations, we are capable of helping each other and all of God’s creations, which is what we are told to do in the Bible. I told him Reiki is a blessing to me.

Then I wished him well. That was all I could do.

I made today a day devoted to Energy and Light. I rested, and then did a Colors of Angels self healing, which was marked by powerful rushes of energy healing going through me. I loved it. I channeled three attunements, two healings and two channelings. I chatted about healing with some amazing people on Twitter both online and on the phone.

I met an interesting person who is running a program called 9 Weeks to a New You with Amythyst Wyldfyre, which sounds like some guru thing I know, but it is about transforming yourself, connecting with your Higher self, and realizing your potential. I wouldn’t normally go for something like this, but I spoke with her on the phone today and she talked to me at length about how to develop the Rites of the Munay Ki. I received these Rites when I spent the weekend with Connie back in June. But I’ve never really known what to do to develop the Rites. I haven’t even been able to explain them very well. Today Amythyst really spent time with me talking about how to work with the energies and connect to the potential in each of the 9 Rites. It was very helpful. Then she suggested the workshop and explained what she was doing, which includes mentored coaching on this kind of spiritual development. Tomorrow there’s a free call-in which gives a taste of the course link here which I may do if I can so I can sense whether this is something that would be right for me at this point. I have lots of opportunities for self growth right now, so I’m not sure about doing them all at once or not. Plus, money is also a factor. But I’m learning to trust that things will align themselves. Amythyst’s home page is here if you want to check her out. I do have doubts about whether this program is right for me at this time, but respect her and am grateful for her guidance today.

I met a wonderful person, Amy Bush Bradley. She has a remarkable parenting coaching program called Transformational Parenting and Evan & I are very psyched to gain some insights and a little help from her program. She graciously agreed to trade a few months of the program for Kundalini Reiki attunements. We’ve exchanged Reiki healings already, and enjoyed each other’s feedback. Wonderful opportunities!

I have made some contacts with very connected people lately who are giving me insights into developing my spiritual awareness further. They suggested exercises for getting in touch with my guides and hearing messages more clearly. One of these people is a Twitter friend, Frank Butterfield who graciously allowed me to channel a question for him, and gave me wonderful feedback and some excellent suggestions.

Another impressive person I met on Twitter recently is Ken (although I don’t know his last name…) and I really like his approach and sincerity. Click on his name to view his website.

And, last for my blog entry for tonight is that I have signed up for Lightarian AngelLinks attunements, which are certified by the Lightarian Institute (yes it’s real). I’m waiting for the manual to arrive by snail mail. This is supposed to deeply connect one with the Archangels, which lately I’ve been feeling more from Colors of Angels healings and would like to further develop this connection. So I’m excited the most about this.

So just a little darkness, and my day of light today helped it go away.

Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt