The Newest Version of Kundalini Reiki!!

Dear friends,

I have been in touch with Ole Gabrielson, the founder of Kundalini Reiki himself. (Yes, I do feel honored to have been emailing with him – he’s amazing.) He has a new 2008 version of Kundalini Reiki that reduces the number of attunements from 9 to only 3, and also the energy is said to be of a stronger and finer frequency than before. I asked him what I would need to do to “upgrade” to the newest version. He said the third attunement would be all I would need. So I paid for it, and was attuned by Ole to the new version (It was a powerful attunement!!).

Here’s what this means for my Kundalini Reiki attunements:

  1. I am now attuned to the newest version of Kundalini Reiki by Ole Gabrielson himself. Couldn’t be better! I have direct lineage to the master of the system.
  2. I can give attunements to this newest, strongest Kundalini Reiki in 3 attunements rather than 9.
  3. I am going to charge for Kundalini Reiki attunements.

I have thought a lot about this, and I wish to thank those 10 people who I have now attuned to the 9-attunement version without charge. I gained experience and confidence in this system and my ability to send strong and effective attunements. I have given full email support, and will always do so for those I attune, as I believe that this is of utmost ethical importance, and I also care deeply about those whom I attune and wish to be a guide and support to them in receiving and using the Kundalini Reiki energy. (*For those of you who are still in the 9-attunement process, I will continue to send your attunements as scheduled.)

I believe that Kundalini Reiki is a strong and excellent Reiki, and that I am blessed to be able to share it with others, through giving treatments and attunements.

If you would like me to attune you to Kundalini Reiki, here’s what you will receive:

  • Manuals explaining each level and how to call in and channel the energy, including how to send distance treatments and attune others.
  • Complete personal email support and guidance – I’m here to answer questions and I’ll be happy to give you feedback if you’d like to practice distance sendings or attunements.
  • A certificate with your name and the date of your Master Level Attunement in pdf format

The exchange for all of the above – all 3 attunements are included – is $60 US. (That’s less than what I paid for the level 3 attunement from Ole).

I’ve put the payment button for Kundalini Reiki Attunements in the sidebar to the right, for convenient one-click ordering, and when I receive payment I will email you right away and send the manuals and set up times with you to receive your attunements. I can’t emphasize enough how much I am impressed with Kundalini Reiki and would love the opportunity to share it with you.

As always, comments and emails are welcome.



Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt