Sick Reiki, and some questions

Yes I’m sick with a stupid chest cold. I spent a miserable night with a sore throat and lots of congestion (cue the sound effect: awwww!). This morning, while the baby took a nap, I rested a while and then did some Reiki on myself. I felt heat, and still pain. Then I decided to […]

Sunday Update

I said I’d post tonight, and here I am.I did the two hands-on sessions as planned today. I found that when doing hands-on Reiki, (for me) the sensations in my hands that I feel with distance Reiki are not as pronounced, if at all. I felt very little tingling, some heat at times, but sometimes […]

Good Stuff is Coming Soon!

Just a short post because I really should get to bed.Today I heard from the DHN (Distance Healing Network – where I applied to be a volunteer to send Distance Reiki and they replied that they were full but may have a vacancy in two weeks – see Gotta Wait)- a week earlier than I […]

Hands-On and Sunday Share

Sunday is going to be a busy Reiki day for me – the kind of day I’m starting to look forward to very much!!I’m going to give my first (non-family) full hands-on Reiki treatments – to two people – one in the morning, and one in the afternoon! I know both recipients, and have been […]

Reiki in a Batch

I have joined a distance healing request list as a Reiki practitioner, and now receive many emails a day from people who have posted requests to the list. They are all requests for distance Reiki, and include details about what they are requesting healing for. Almost every one tugs at me in some way, and […]

Reiki Reading

I’ve decided, following my RMT’s very intuitive suggestion, that it’s time to try to get my learning caught up with my experience. Yes, I’ve put one on reserve, and taken two Reiki books out of the library! Woo-hoo! The first is Reiki Healing, by Carmen Fernandez, which I learned about on Reiki Artist’s blog. It […]

Where are the Boundaries?

As I’ve been venturing around the Internet, exploring different websites, message boards, and blogs relating to Reiki (note my growing Blogroll!), I’ve come upon many different types of people, and different views about what Reiki is and how it works. And, I’ve received some interesting responses to some of my posts, as well as a […]

Reiki All Day, Reiki All Night

Yesterday was interesting. I sent distance Reiki to my sister. It was her first time, and she wasn’t really sure what she was feeling. We’re going to try it again. My hands tingled the whole time, and I felt connected to her energy, but she wasn’t sure if any of what she was feeling was […]

Spreading the Word

It’s ironic, really. Some religious proselytizers came to my door today, and I politely but firmly turned them away. I’m not going to be one of their success stories. Not ever. So they shouldn’t waste their time.The ironic part (if one would choose to see it that way) is that I find myself trying to […]

Distance Reiki

Today, for the first time I sent distance Reiki in response to a request on a message board. The request was from a cousin of the person, who is in the hospital with a high fever and infection. I had the person’s name, age, and state.I did the distance symbol and intended that the energy […]