Announcing…Energy Healing Mentoring Program
Many times in my life I seem to have moved in a direction and only realized it in retrospect. One example is that in my early 20s I started teaching drama to kids just for a fun job. Then I picked up a youth group advisor job, and taught Sunday School. I was having a […]
Energetic Experiences of Late
I thought I’d post today about some interesting experiences I’ve had lately with Reiki and energy healing. Last weekend, my husband and I went to my 20th High School reuinion (yes, folks, do the math, I’m getting old!). The food was…well not so great. My dear hubby ended up with a stomach ache that night. […]
Energy Development in Waves
I’m learning that energy intuition develops in a wave-like pattern. What I mean is that development increases – stronger energetic sensations when channeling Reiki, easier auric sight response, and feeling “connected” – seem to be followed by a pause of sorts, like when the wave subsides after the crest. There is a period of feeling […]
Since my attunement for Chios level 3, I’ve found two things to be different: 1) I’ve been very tired, especially in the morning – more tired than usual, and 2) I find it easier to tune in to the color of a person’s aura (provided the person is standing or sitting before a white background […]