Stepping Back a Bit

Okay. I’ve decided to follow my teacher and Reiki friends’ advice and stop trying so hard. I’m also going to stop trying not to try. I’m just going to follow my intuition, whatever it is telling me or not telling me, and practice.I did a Chios healing on my mom on Sunday, and she gave […]

Movin’ Right Along to Chios Level 2

Chios level 1 was a fine introduction to channeling energy, and because of my experience with Reiki, it was very comfortable for me. I completed the workbook and practice exercises, and was really ready for more of the heart of studying Chios.Today, my Chios teacher attuned me to Chios level 2. The manual for this […]

Energy Growth Through Practice

My Chios 1 Attunement last night was very enlightening. I sat, relaxed, with palms facing up as I was told. I experienced some swirling colors behind my closed eyes, and energetic sensations around my head. It lasted about 6 minutes, and then my teacher called me on the phone to tell me that she had […]

Chios Healing Level 1 Attunement Tonight!

I’ve sought out and selected a certified Chios Healing teacher. She will be giving me the first attunement tonight, and will be my guide on my journey to learn Chios Healing and incorporate it into my Reiki practice. I’m excited about opening my mind to this new way to intuit energy, and increasing my capacity […]

The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

We’re still surrounded by mounds of snow here, but seem to have dug enough pathways to get to and from where we need to go, so that’s progress for you.Meanwhile, I want to report that I had a great meeting last night with a really wonderful Reiki person. We are exploring the possibilities of working […]

Reiki Here and Waaaaaay Over There

Thanks to my blog, people from places all over the world contact me asking for distance Reiki. Sometimes it’s out of curiosity, sometimes out of need, and I always try to oblige. I enjoy helping, and turning people on to Reiki. Weirdly, this last week, I’ve had two separate requests for distance Reiki from Singapore, […]

Opening Doors

I waste no time. When I get an idea, I go for it. Today, I asked my son’s preschool director if she would be interested in me doing a Reiki demo for her teachers, and then seeing if there would be interest in learning Reiki I, with the idea that, as a teacher myself, I […]

Waking Other People to Reiki

I had the fortune of spreading the word about Reiki some more. (There I go again – can’t seem to help myself!)One reader who stumbled upon my blog emailed and asked me to send her distance Reiki, as she was curious about what it would feel like, or if she would even feel it. She […]

Reiki Power!

Here’s the update from yesterday’s post about my student who was testing me by having me send him Reiki last night. I sent him a good half-hour session and felt quite connected to his energy, and figured the rest was up to him. He sent me an instant message after school today saying that he […]

Believing What I See

I want to thank Susan, who commented on my post “The Aura of a Chair“, and suggested a visual energy exercise to try. She said to hold my index fingers together and then move them about a half and inch apart, and with relaxed gaze, look slightly above them for the aura of energy. I […]