Going with it…Worry-free

Things went differently than I expected at my session with Sarah Weiss. It was a powerful healing session with lots of clearing. I held a very powerful healing crystal called a Herkimer Diamond (not really a diamond-diamond but that’s what it’s called). For the first time I actually felt healing from holding a crystal so […]

Into the Light in 2009

2009 is right around the corner – starting at midnight actually! And I’m wishing everyone a great one, with success, enlightenment, and great joy.I’ve seen “light” coming at me as a theme lately and so I’m blogging about it today. I’m talking about some energetic developments, new attunements, and learning that I’m beginning now. I […]

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is my birthday, and the 1st anniversary of the day I began this Reiki Awakening blog. So much has happened in the last year and it’s been an amazing journey so far. I’m continuously inspired by the blessings Reiki has brought me and the way Reiki has opened the door to new states of […]

The Darkness and the Light

I had a sad sort of experience the other day – the first time something like this has happened to me. A person, I’ll call him D, contacted me first for a Reiki healing, and then for attunements. He saved up the fee, and was very excited about it. I had sent him the first […]

Under Construction

The last couple of days I’ve been feeling rather out of touch. My senses seem dulled, and my sensations while channeling Reiki have not been as strong as usual. The Reiki’s been working, but the way I’ve been sensing the “tingles and heat” is subdued. I have learned that we go through these periods of […]

Moving Energy Around

I had the pleasure and honor to meet Warren Grossman on Thursday evening at the class I’ve been teaching at Akiva High School. He had a roomful of teens riveted as he told his story of going from a basically everyday educated person to having a near-death experience with a parasite, and a slow recovery […]

Channeling Healing and Receiving Guidance – Different Frequencies

I’ve been made aware recently that channeling energy healing is about being a channel for the energy to flow through us to the recipient of the healing energy. This is about being open, like a straw, so the energy can get through. Higher beings perform the healing.Attempting to channel information from one’s spiritguide(s) requires one […]

Intuition and The Universe Lining Up

This morning I had an interesting experience. I was typing away at my computer, trying to get some work done while I could when I started to feel tingly – as if I was receiving Reiki. I had a quick flash of my friend, whom I had attuned to Usui Reiki level 2. So before […]

Mom/Daughter Reiki and Being Starstruck

Yesterday, my almost-9 year-old daughter Rayna came with me to give volunteer Reiki healing at the Reiki center at Ursuline College. Rayna is Reiki level 2, and we channeled Reiki healing together to a person who came in to receive Reiki. It was a strong Reiki experience for our recipient, and all were touched by […]

White Sparkles and Earth Energy

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been reading Warren Grossman’s To Be Healed by the Earth. In his book, he describes how the Earth’s energy healed him from the brink of death to full health. He includes exercises for connecting with the Earth’s energy, and I’ve been trying them lately.I’ve been spending a […]