Giving is Receiving
One of the most meaningful activities I’ve been involved with in the past few years has been volunteering. I volunteer as a Group Leader with the Distance Healing Network (, I give Reiki healings twice a month to people dealing with cancer at a local cancer support center The Gathering Place (, and for a […]
Thanksgiving 2010
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to focus on what blesses our lives. I would like to share some conventional and also some possibly “out there” things that I feel grateful for this Thanksgiving. My wonderful husband, Evan. First, foremost, and always. He is the one who supports, encourages me, and keeps me grounded. He lets […]
A Grateful Thanksgiving
Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I am extremely thankful, especially today, to share the wonderful news that my husband has received and accepted a job offer. The long period of unemployment is coming to a close as he assumes the role of Operations Analyst at Lutheran Hospital, which is in Cleveland, near where we […]