Here it is! Today is my 49th birthday. The first day of the last year of my 40s.And, things are good! Here are some of the things I’ve been doing since my 48th birthday:I’m working on completing my dissertation, with an eye on graduating in May.I have …
This and more is holy.

This came to me after a meditation. How would it be if we all could see and feel this every day? Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt
Taking a Moment
It’s been a busy Fall so far. I spent about eight weeks creating a 365 day tear-off calendar. Each page has something different on it. The theme is self care for busy people. It’s called A Moment for Me 365 Day Calendar – self care for busy people – 365 FREE things you can do […]
The Summer Stretch
This is our first summer living in Maryland. I truly love living here. I love our neighborhood, our house and yard that is just the right size for our big family, and how near we are to a multitude of activities ranging from Washington, DC museums to a day on the beach. My kids are growing. […]
Where the Lightworker Stands, and the Energy Flows
I’m on vacation this week, with my family, in beautiful Sandbridge, VA. We come here every year for a week, to slow down, get some beach time, and be together without a schedule. The weather has been gorgeous (up until yesterday and today, which are co…
Doing the Work
As my loyal readers know, meditation has been a struggle for me. I’ve posted about it a lot, but especially here:Meditation Has Annoyed Meand here:Practical Meditation…NotPretty easy to get the picture, even from the titles, right?In the post above, a year ago, I wrote about reading How to Mediate by Lawrence LeShan, followed by The Medium, […]
My Zumba Meditation
I’ve been taking Zumba classes at Studio X in Gaithersburg. This isn’t for wimps, either. I sweat myself stinky and shake my tush until I’m ready to drop. The classes are drop-in, and only $5. Honestly, I only started doing it because I recognized a need for improving my fitness level. Which happened because I […]
Summer Madness
This is my children’s second week of summer break from school. None of them are going to summer camp, so they are home with me. It’s also the week of the Summer Solstice, Super Moon, and the start of Mercury Retrograde. I knew that my schedule wou…
Practical Meditation…Not
One of the things I love most about Reiki, and most intuitive skills, is that they can be learned easily. Some methods seem deliberately complicated, with structure and ritual injected to help a person feel secure (“Just tell me what to DO”). But I lik…
Tiny and Huge
I’ve been thinking lately about the paradox of being. Doesn’t that sound philosophical?What I mean is that on the one hand, I’ve learned a lot about Reiki in the past five years or so. I’ve taught lots of people around the world, and aim to teach …