Energy Growth Through Practice

My Chios 1 Attunement last night was very enlightening. I sat, relaxed, with palms facing up as I was told. I experienced some swirling colors behind my closed eyes, and energetic sensations around my head. It lasted about 6 minutes, and then my teacher called me on the phone to tell me that she had […]

Snowed In

We got hit with a major snowstorm from Friday through very early this morning, leaving us with 2 feet of snow and with everything closed. So unfortunately, was the Reiki clinic where I was planning to go volunteer and give hands-on Reiki on Saturday. I guess it will have to wait a couple of weeks. […]

Awakening my Husband

This is an update from last night’s post….Last night I gave my husband a Reiki I attunement. I was hesitant to talk too much about it to him because I think he wasn’t interested in a lot of directions yet. So I told him how to call the Reiki energy to his hands when he […]

Doing Attunements

I’ve been practicing doing attunements on my kids, who were already previously attuned to Reiki. Each of them has let me re-attune them to the level they are already at, for my own practice. And tonight, da-da-da-da!!! I attuned my husband, who has not only never been attuned, but has been ambivalent about Reiki for […]

Increasing the Connection

Today I tried something new – Hatsurei Ho. It’s a Reiki meditation, intended to connect one more with the Reiki energy, and it has been referred to as “the Jewel of Reiki,” a metaphor I like a lot. My experience with trying it was to really feel the energy moving through me, and I enjoyed […]

I Tingled All Day Today

It’s strange, but all day long my hands have been in a continuous state of tingle. I don’t know why, can’t explain it. I did send Reiki last night, and a little this morning, and my aunt came over, and I gave her a whole discourse on what Reiki is, and my experiences with it […]

Reiki All Day, Reiki All Night

Yesterday was interesting. I sent distance Reiki to my sister. It was her first time, and she wasn’t really sure what she was feeling. We’re going to try it again. My hands tingled the whole time, and I felt connected to her energy, but she wasn’t sure if any of what she was feeling was […]