I Tingled All Day Today

It’s strange, but all day long my hands have been in a continuous state of tingle. I don’t know why, can’t explain it. I did send Reiki last night, and a little this morning, and my aunt came over, and I gave her a whole discourse on what Reiki is, and my experiences with it […]

Becoming More Aware?

I had an interesting experience (funny how I always seem to be having interesting experiences with Reiki!!) the last few nights. I sent energy to a nice person who has been here visiting my blog, and requested Reiki. His feedback afterward indicated that he had seen white light behind his eyes during the time I […]

See and Send?

Today, I am trying Gyoshi Ho – sending Reiki with the eyes. A few web sites I found recommended practicing on a plant. My plants could probably use some Reiki. In any case, “The Reiki Touch” book and DVD recommended practicing it on yourself using a mirror. (Watching the DVD, I was a little underwhelmed […]

Spreading the Word

It’s ironic, really. Some religious proselytizers came to my door today, and I politely but firmly turned them away. I’m not going to be one of their success stories. Not ever. So they shouldn’t waste their time.The ironic part (if one would choose to see it that way) is that I find myself trying to […]

Shout-Outs to New Reiki Friends

The last few days I’ve met some really inspiring Reiki people over the internet! I’ve learned some new ways to try things, read about some amazing experiences with Reiki energy, and found caring, genuine, good-hearted people who are interested in extending support to one another, and anyone who asks. So I’m writing to express gratitude […]

Wanting to Help

Hi,I find myself dearly wanting to be valuable -to channel Reiki healing to help people as much as I can. I spent a lot of time today and last night finding Reiki websites and Reiki Message Boards and writing posts introducing myself and inviting people here. I’m going to send Reiki to the desire for […]

Distance Reiki, and Late Night Hands-On

Last night, I sent distance Reiki to my friend who has been experiencing some anxiety. I sent energy, as before, to her area of concern, and to her heart and crown chakras, and to her knees, which made my hands tingle when I mentally scanned there. Then, I did the distance symbol, and asked that […]


Happy Monday.I just noticed that several of my posts start with “Well,”… and that seems annoying. So this one doesn’t start that way! I have some updates, and a bit of silliness. Update: my friend with the past life issue emailed me feedback about our session Friday night (see post below Sending Reiki to Heal […]

Hands-On Reiki Tonight!

Well, slightly skeptical or not, my husband has agreed to a full hands-on Reiki treatment from me tonight after the kids are in bed. I think…(okay I hope)…it will be beneficial to him, and maybe help release negative energy in chakras that may be blocked. In any case, I mostly hope that he feels the […]