Here it is! Today is my 49th birthday. The first day of the last year of my 40s.And, things are good! Here are some of the things I’ve been doing since my 48th birthday:I’m working on completing my dissertation, with an eye on graduating in May.I have …
Today is my 47th birthday.Every year, I blog on my birthday. This is my 10th birthday blog, and I’m proud of that.I did, as I do every year, look back and read through some of my previous blogs. I realized – I am a busy person! I do a lot in a year.Sin…
Can a practitioner give Reiki without using his hands?
Q: Can a practitioner give Reiki without using his hands? A: YES! Reiki works by intention. The hands are not blasting energy out like Shazaam. The hands allow the practitioner to observe the energy as it flows, so the practitioner can … Continue reading →
In My Face
A most amazing chain of events happened to me lately, starting with last week. It’s so filled with “coincidences” that I had to blog about it, just to process and actually make the list that’s blowing my mind.As they say, “There are no coincidences.” A…
Driving with my head out the window
Ace VenturaThese past few weeks have been weird. As I sat here composing my post, I thought of a few metaphors for how I’ve been feeling.One is the moment when Alice steps into the looking glass, yet isn’t quite across yet. She is simultaneously in bot…
Tiny and Huge
I’ve been thinking lately about the paradox of being. Doesn’t that sound philosophical?What I mean is that on the one hand, I’ve learned a lot about Reiki in the past five years or so. I’ve taught lots of people around the world, and aim to teach …
Mazel Tov…and now what do I say?
This weekend is my 13 year old daughter, Rayna’s Bat Mitzvah. (For any readers not sure what that is, it’s a Jewish Rite of Passage for kids turning 13 in which they lead prayers, and read a passage from the Torah – that’s the “Old Testament” – a …
Is there scientific evidence that Reiki works?
Q: Is there scientific evidence that Reiki works? A: That’s an interesting question. There is both scientific and experiential evidence that Reiki works. Just ask someone who gives Reiki, or the clients who receive it. All will report many stories of … Continue reading →
Do tattoos affect a person’s energy?
Q: Do tattoos affect a person’s energy? A: Let’s think about the essence of what a tattoo is. It’s a symbol, drawn on the skin. It is physical, with an emotional (usually positive) energy attached to it, because the wearer … Continue reading →
What should I be thinking about while giving Reiki?
Q: What should I be thinking about while giving Reiki? A: It’s best to be in a space of quiet observation during Reiki, whether you are giving or receiving. Most of all, you want to avoid “pushing” the energy. That … Continue reading →