The Aura of a Chair
Hmmm. I was kind of excited, thinking I was finally tuning in to seeing a little hint of an aura when looking at people. I’ve been practicing every day, relaxing my gaze, looking slightly above the head of people, and each time it looks about the same, no matter who I’m looking at. Like a […]
I Tingled All Day Today
It’s strange, but all day long my hands have been in a continuous state of tingle. I don’t know why, can’t explain it. I did send Reiki last night, and a little this morning, and my aunt came over, and I gave her a whole discourse on what Reiki is, and my experiences with it […]
Becoming More Aware?
I had an interesting experience (funny how I always seem to be having interesting experiences with Reiki!!) the last few nights. I sent energy to a nice person who has been here visiting my blog, and requested Reiki. His feedback afterward indicated that he had seen white light behind his eyes during the time I […]
Sending to a List
Last night and this morning, I sent Reiki to lists of people. The first list was to the other Reiki practitioners in my DHN group. I had their first and last names. We were asked by our group leader to send Reiki to each other for strength and healing. The second list was the Sunday […]
Tired Reiki?
I was very tired the other night, when sending Reiki, and I remember being so very relaxed as I was sending the energy to my friend. A few minutes later, I realized I had dozed off. I had to reactivate the energy in my hands and attempt to continue. I am too embarrassed to ask […]
See and Send?
Today, I am trying Gyoshi Ho – sending Reiki with the eyes. A few web sites I found recommended practicing on a plant. My plants could probably use some Reiki. In any case, “The Reiki Touch” book and DVD recommended practicing it on yourself using a mirror. (Watching the DVD, I was a little underwhelmed […]
Reiki is Strong Medicine, But is it a Cure?
My mom woke up not feeling well this morning, and I sent her Reiki, which she felt very strongly, and then she felt much better – almost completely better. I cautioned her though, from personal experience last week, that when I received a strong distance Reiki session and I was sick, that my “recovery” was […]
The Colors of Energy
Now that I’m starting to feel a little better each day, I’m back to working with Reiki. I have been feeling like the cold is moving to my eyes, so last night I activated the Reiki in my hands and put them over my eyes, and it felt like I was sitting outside in the […]
Finally Energy Returns!!
Hooray! I’m feeling better! I’ve definately turned the corner, and am feeling much more like myself. I sent a little Reiki this morning to my RMT, to help her with her writing, and I felt the familiar and welcome tickle of the energy leaving my palms and fingertips. She varified that she felt the energy […]
Receiving Reiki
Gevalt!! Am I ever sick! I have a terrible chest cold and a low grade fever, and I feel like I can’t move. (Yet I can type – guess my fingers can move).But I wanted to share something. My gracious Reiki friend Bridget sent me Reiki two nights ago, and afterward I felt GREAT for […]