Trying Not to Try
In my last post, I was experiencing some computer difficulties, and mentioned that I would be spending the weekend away for some R&R, friends, family & energy work. I also mentioned that I had been feeling a little “stuck” lately and hoped that would resolve itself soon. Here’s an update. The computer issues are resolved. […]
Gifts from the Universe
This week, I have been overwhelmed by people who came into my life at the exact time they were needed. Also, Evan, my husband had an experience worth sharing that he described as spiritual. That is rare for him, and my readers here probably know that already 🙂 First I want to say that I […]
Focusing and Centering
This week, a small thing made a big difference in the way I see myself. I was filling out an application for my oldest daughter (age 9) to go to sleep-away camp for one week this summer. One part of the application asked for my occupation. Nothing special, very routine. Except this time, right away […]
Why Energy Healing is the Best Job in the World
Anyone who reads my blog or follows my updates on Twitter or Facebook knows that I’m passionate about Reiki, energy healing, and all things having to do with this. “But why?” one might wonder, “What’s the big deal about? Why this love affair with all things energy healing? Why is Alice so devoted to this?” […]
A Year as a Reiki Master Teacher
Today marks one year since I took the Usui Reiki Master/ Teacher level course (read my post from a year ago here) and attunement at Ursuline College. This has been a very eventful and enlightening year of self discovery, sharing, healing, and leaps of faith. I’ve met amazing people, shared healings, attunements, guidance, learning and […]
Announcing…Energy Healing Mentoring Program
Many times in my life I seem to have moved in a direction and only realized it in retrospect. One example is that in my early 20s I started teaching drama to kids just for a fun job. Then I picked up a youth group advisor job, and taught Sunday School. I was having a […]