Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry that it’s been a full year since I blogged here. I really planned to keep this going more regularly. It’s a challenge. Lots has been going on, as that’s my life.It’s good stuff. Busy stuff. Working, creating, thinking, pare…


Today is my 47th birthday.Every year, I blog on my birthday. This is my 10th birthday blog, and I’m proud of that.I did, as I do every year, look back and read through some of my previous blogs. I realized – I am a busy person! I do a lot in a year.Sin…

Power Manifesting

When I have a few minutes alone (usually in the shower or in the car), I mentally place myself in the role of CEO of my life. (Because I am, after all.)Then I call an Executive Staff Meeting of my Guides and Angels. In my mind, I sit at the head of the conference table, […]

We are all God

I made this video to express how I feel about spirituality – the Big Picture, so to speak, and all of the thoughts that I have about how things fit together – life, its meaning, our connection to each other, God, and the Universe, time, and otherworldly beings. It’s pretty packed. I think that I could […]

Taking it Personally

It’s become a regular practice of mine to invite my angels to play. Meaning, I invite them to bring me signs of their presence, bits of guidance, and even little happy surprises for my day. And then comes the fun part – I notice them and say thank you. The things I notice might be […]

A New Age Bracket

Today is my birthday. I started this blog eight years ago, so it’s also my blogversary! I take some time every year to consider how far I’ve come in the last year, and also since I started my blog, which I consider the time of the most significant change in my career, the beginning of my […]

Taking a Moment

It’s been a busy Fall so far. I spent about eight weeks creating a 365 day tear-off calendar. Each page has something different on it. The theme is self care for busy people. It’s called A Moment for Me 365 Day Calendar – self care for busy people – 365 FREE things you can do […]


Today is my birthday. I started this blog on my birthday, seven years ago. So every year I write a birthday post. I’m 44.I’ve been seeing the number 44 around me all over the place lately. It’s always something:44 when I look at the clock. My bill is $x.44 anywhere I’m shopping lately. The license plate […]

In My Face

A most amazing chain of events happened to me lately, starting with last week. It’s so filled with “coincidences” that I had to blog about it, just to process and actually make the list that’s blowing my mind.As they say, “There are no coincidences.” A…

Driving with my head out the window

Ace VenturaThese past few weeks have been weird. As I sat here composing my post, I thought of a few metaphors for how I’ve been feeling.One is the moment when Alice steps into the looking glass, yet isn’t quite across yet. She is simultaneously in bot…