I don’t need scientific proof
I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t care about scientific proof that Reiki, or life force energy, or chakras, or angels, or guides, or ancestors, spirits, or any energetic forces exist. I just don’t care what scientists have to say about their validity or not.I see posts on Facebook saying that Science has Proven […]
Measuring Value
Last weekend, I was a vendor at the Victory of Light Expo in Cincinnati, Ohio. I’ve been a vendor at that expo (which happens twice a year) seven times now. I enjoy it. I have a booth in a high traffic, centrally located corner, and I teach a workshop. About 5,000 people come through during […]
This Funny Role
I made this today…how do you view yourself? Reiki Awakening Reiki blog by Alice Langholt
42 – The Meaning of Life
In the first novel and radio series, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. The Ultimate […]
Beyond the Mind
Lately, I’ve been pondering the way people think about healing energy and try to define it. Students in my Energy Healing Certification Program are charged with defining Reiki in a paragraph, an “elevator speech” they could use to answer the inevitable stranger’s query “What is Reiki?” They don’t pass the program without being able to […]
Meditation has annoyed me
I am trying. Seriously. I’ve determined to allow 30 minutes per day to meditate. I know it would benefit my intuitive development to do this. I also know that a person who does this sort of work should have a regular meditative practice. Otherwise, it’s like getting personal training from someone who doesn’t exercise. Sure, […]
Water Energy
I’ve been thinking deeply lately (oops no pun intended) about water. I’ve posted before about water and the work of Masaro Emotu, which very much impresses me. Click here to see my post on intention and water. I’m also embedding here one of a large number of very well done videos illustrating the Rice Experiment, […]
The Miracles of Possibility
Last weekend, I was reminded that anything is possible. Here’s what happened: I was at the Gift of Light Expo in Columbus, Ohio, teaching a workshop and giving Reiki healings at my booth. I met lots of nice people, shared Reiki, and had a really good time. The last big expo I was at was […]
The Full Potential Show
Hello Everyone! I’m so honored to have been a guest of James Rick on The Full Potential Show, and I wanted to share the interview with everyone. I think he did a great job, asked intelligent, thoughtful questions, and really “got me” during this interview. I love the way it’s edited and the only thing […]
Am I a Healer?
Am I a healer? Lately, this question has been coming up. It was brought to my attention by one of my new students, who is an MD, and has the view that Reiki practitioners are, and should refer to themselves as “healers” or they are not bringing respect to what they do. According to Debra […]