Earth Energy and Reality Therapy
Kind of funny…I’ve been enjoying short meditations outside in the back yard, connected to the earth by sitting, laying or standing in my bare feet. I wrote a couple days ago about seeing white sparkles afterward, and that has happened again since then. So I’m pretty enthused about this earth healing stuff.Well, I had a […]
Chios Level 3
Last night I was attuned to Chios Healing level 3. I have a new manual and workbook with exercises to learn, and this attunement is supposed to greatly strengthen my ability to “see” the energy and energetic issues. I am feeling very positive about working to develop this part of my senses.I also have been […]
I’m Seeing the Difference – or Not Really SEEING.
This weekend, I’ve had some nice time to myself to work on studying and practicing learning Chios Healing. I have to say that I’m finding it much harder than Reiki. Reiki came naturally to me, and it doesn’t require any special exercises or abilities. (Maybe that’s why it came naturally to me- ha ha ha). […]
Movin’ Right Along to Chios Level 2
Chios level 1 was a fine introduction to channeling energy, and because of my experience with Reiki, it was very comfortable for me. I completed the workbook and practice exercises, and was really ready for more of the heart of studying Chios.Today, my Chios teacher attuned me to Chios level 2. The manual for this […]
Colorful Reading
Last night I read Jane Struthers’ Working With Auras: Your Complete Guide to Health and Wellbeing from cover to cover. It is full of photographs and excellent examples, and is very easy to follow and inspirational. I’m making some progress in terms of training myself to see auras, because I can, when I try, catch […]
White Sparkles & Reiki Rules
Last night I sent Reiki to a person who sees white sparkling light when I send to him. It was the third time I’ve sent distance Reiki to him, and this time, when sending the energy, I saw white light behind my eyes, and had strong energetic sensations tingling on my face, and particularly my […]
Becoming More Aware?
I had an interesting experience (funny how I always seem to be having interesting experiences with Reiki!!) the last few nights. I sent energy to a nice person who has been here visiting my blog, and requested Reiki. His feedback afterward indicated that he had seen white light behind his eyes during the time I […]