Intuition and The Universe Lining Up
This morning I had an interesting experience. I was typing away at my computer, trying to get some work done while I could when I started to feel tingly – as if I was receiving Reiki. I had a quick flash of my friend, whom I had attuned to Usui Reiki level 2. So before […]
Good Vibrations and Angel Colors
I recently received an attunement called Colors of Angels attunement. This attunement connects one to the frequencies of archangels and colors associated with each. This is from the manual:Archangel Michael Who serves in the first ray which is the Blue Ray and the Ray of Protection and PowerArchangel Jophiel which serves on the Second or […]
Astral Vibrations
I’ve been interested in binaurals and astral projection lately. I downloaded an mp3 of music with binaurals which are supposed to help one astral project during meditation. I got it from a funky site called . So I tried it. Twice so far.The first time, toward the end of the 30 minute meditation music […]
Earth Energy and Reality Therapy
Kind of funny…I’ve been enjoying short meditations outside in the back yard, connected to the earth by sitting, laying or standing in my bare feet. I wrote a couple days ago about seeing white sparkles afterward, and that has happened again since then. So I’m pretty enthused about this earth healing stuff.Well, I had a […]
Mom/Daughter Reiki and Being Starstruck
Yesterday, my almost-9 year-old daughter Rayna came with me to give volunteer Reiki healing at the Reiki center at Ursuline College. Rayna is Reiki level 2, and we channeled Reiki healing together to a person who came in to receive Reiki. It was a strong Reiki experience for our recipient, and all were touched by […]
White Sparkles and Earth Energy
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been reading Warren Grossman’s To Be Healed by the Earth. In his book, he describes how the Earth’s energy healed him from the brink of death to full health. He includes exercises for connecting with the Earth’s energy, and I’ve been trying them lately.I’ve been spending a […]
Fuzzy World
When I don’t wear my glasses, I can’t see very well. I’m quite nearsighted, and facial features 10 or more feet in front of me become a blur if the glasses aren’t perched on my nose. But I’ve noticed something. When my glasses are off, I can see auras much more than when they’re on.Why? […]
Doing the Time Warp
Well, as time sometimes will reveal the truth, I realized that some of the “answers” to my questions were not quite correct, at least not for the present time. Things didn’t turn out the way the answers I intuited during my meditative questioning had implied. (If you’re wondering what I am talking about, see my […]
I’ve been trying to grow my intuitive abilities, with the help and advice of my Chios teacher, Connie, and my psychic intuitive friend Cher. (Gratitude shout out to you both!) Among the most important advice I’ve been getting is meditate, and also to ask for details from my guides and angels. Meditating, as I was […]
Energetic Experiences of Late
I thought I’d post today about some interesting experiences I’ve had lately with Reiki and energy healing. Last weekend, my husband and I went to my 20th High School reuinion (yes, folks, do the math, I’m getting old!). The food was…well not so great. My dear hubby ended up with a stomach ache that night. […]