Props and Plugs

Hello! Today I would like to help promote a few worthy resources for energy healers. The first is my Chios teacher, Connie Dohan’s website, She is now, (besides teaching, offering readings, doing energy healing, and attunements), selling beautiful chakra jewelry. To the left of this text, please check out my necklace from Connie! I […]

My Kundalini Reiki Attunement Calendar…and more

I now have five people that I am attuning to Kundalini Reiki, and it’s quite a process! Not because the attunments are difficult; on the contrary, they usually take me about 5-7 minutes to intend and send. It’s that a complete Kundalini Reiki attunement has 9 attunements, scheduled weekly after the first two, and so […]


Since my attunement for Chios level 3, I’ve found two things to be different: 1) I’ve been very tired, especially in the morning – more tired than usual, and 2) I find it easier to tune in to the color of a person’s aura (provided the person is standing or sitting before a white background […]

Chios Level 3

Last night I was attuned to Chios Healing level 3. I have a new manual and workbook with exercises to learn, and this attunement is supposed to greatly strengthen my ability to “see” the energy and energetic issues. I am feeling very positive about working to develop this part of my senses.I also have been […]

Blue Arin

Yesterday I was sending distance Reiki while my 18 month old daughter, Arin, was watching a video of our family vacation on the computer nearby. The wall behind the computer is painted white. While the energy was flowing, I was gazing at her. She was engrossed in the video, naming everyone as their picture scrolled […]

Practicing and Tuning in (or “Spooning-in”)

I’m trying to practice every night, to learn to better sense the subtleties of Chios energy, and intuit the information present in the aura. I can’t see the auric layers yet, beyond the very first etherial one, and don’t think I’m getting color information yet. I keep trying to check in from time to time […]

Stepping Back a Bit

Okay. I’ve decided to follow my teacher and Reiki friends’ advice and stop trying so hard. I’m also going to stop trying not to try. I’m just going to follow my intuition, whatever it is telling me or not telling me, and practice.I did a Chios healing on my mom on Sunday, and she gave […]

I’m Seeing the Difference – or Not Really SEEING.

This weekend, I’ve had some nice time to myself to work on studying and practicing learning Chios Healing. I have to say that I’m finding it much harder than Reiki. Reiki came naturally to me, and it doesn’t require any special exercises or abilities. (Maybe that’s why it came naturally to me- ha ha ha). […]

An Eye Opening Experience

I’m making progress! Thanks to the exercises from the websites posted in yesterday’s entry, I am able to see a colored auric outline around a brightly colored object. I saw the yellow outline around a blue gift bag, and the lime green outline around a bright red object that was an art project painted by […]

Movin’ Right Along to Chios Level 2

Chios level 1 was a fine introduction to channeling energy, and because of my experience with Reiki, it was very comfortable for me. I completed the workbook and practice exercises, and was really ready for more of the heart of studying Chios.Today, my Chios teacher attuned me to Chios level 2. The manual for this […]