Distance Healing E-Book Now Ready!
I’m most excited to offer my Distance Healing Guidebook! I wrote this 17 page ebook. It’s in pdf format, and it contains information about distance healing, techniques, resources, and lots of information about channeling Reiki and other healing energy modalities across time, distance, and for many uses. I wrote about my experiences and I think […]
Happy Anniversary!!
Today is my birthday, and the 1st anniversary of the day I began this Reiki Awakening blog. So much has happened in the last year and it’s been an amazing journey so far. I’m continuously inspired by the blessings Reiki has brought me and the way Reiki has opened the door to new states of […]
Angels and Light
Well, today was my second weekly Energy Day. I’ve decided to make Mondays my Energy Day – a day as completely as possible devoted to Reiki, learning, meditation, and rejeuvination. So what did I do today? The day started with receiving an attunement to Full Spectrum Light energy. This is an Ole Gabrielsen founded attunement, […]
Channeling Healing and Receiving Guidance – Different Frequencies
I’ve been made aware recently that channeling energy healing is about being a channel for the energy to flow through us to the recipient of the healing energy. This is about being open, like a straw, so the energy can get through. Higher beings perform the healing.Attempting to channel information from one’s spiritguide(s) requires one […]
Energetic Experiences of Late
I thought I’d post today about some interesting experiences I’ve had lately with Reiki and energy healing. Last weekend, my husband and I went to my 20th High School reuinion (yes, folks, do the math, I’m getting old!). The food was…well not so great. My dear hubby ended up with a stomach ache that night. […]
Energy Development in Waves
I’m learning that energy intuition develops in a wave-like pattern. What I mean is that development increases – stronger energetic sensations when channeling Reiki, easier auric sight response, and feeling “connected” – seem to be followed by a pause of sorts, like when the wave subsides after the crest. There is a period of feeling […]
Integrating Energy
Today I sent distance Reiki, and while I was sending, I used some Chios techniques for charging a couple of chakras with color, sealing some small tears, and during scanning. At times, I had one hand doing chios while the other channeled Reiki to the area. I also used Chios at the end to channel […]
Since my attunement for Chios level 3, I’ve found two things to be different: 1) I’ve been very tired, especially in the morning – more tired than usual, and 2) I find it easier to tune in to the color of a person’s aura (provided the person is standing or sitting before a white background […]
A Distance Reiki Tutorial Program
In thinking of how I can help bring Reiki to others, and share my wonderful experiences with Reiki, I’ve found a way – a great way – to do this.I know that I’m strong and comfortable with distance energy healing (Reiki and Chios, currently). I have lots of experience, am a volunteer with the Distance […]
Practicing and Tuning in (or “Spooning-in”)
I’m trying to practice every night, to learn to better sense the subtleties of Chios energy, and intuit the information present in the aura. I can’t see the auric layers yet, beyond the very first etherial one, and don’t think I’m getting color information yet. I keep trying to check in from time to time […]