Driving with my head out the window
Ace VenturaThese past few weeks have been weird. As I sat here composing my post, I thought of a few metaphors for how I’ve been feeling.One is the moment when Alice steps into the looking glass, yet isn’t quite across yet. She is simultaneously in bot…
In the Fire
Last night I attended a Fire Ceremony. A man named Ljubomir Rozic has these Shamanic ceremonies at each new and full moon. There’s a bit of learning about a healing concept, a meditation, and then the fire. He teaches everyone to touch the fire an…
Making Connections and Reaching Upward
I’m thinking lately about how it’s clearer that things are working out for the best when they are viewed in retrospect. In the moment it can be harder to see the big picture – to attempt to discern the reasons that things happen as they do. I’m learning to ask clearly for what I want/need […]