Mind-Blowing Attunements

I’ve been a professional Reiki practitioner and teacher for about five years. I’ve attuned over 900 people to Reiki. I have run a school for three years. And still, I feel like there’s so much more to learn about working with energy, its effects on people, and how to understand the complexities of energy, guides, karma, […]
Forging a Path
It’s my kids’ first week back at school, and I’m absolutely loving the blissful quiet in the house. I’ve taken on new projects, and it’s so much easier to concentrate without a lot of interruptions. Wow. The contrast is amazing. I’m also proud of the way they’ve just jumped right in with sports and activities, […]
Tiny and Huge
I’ve been thinking lately about the paradox of being. Doesn’t that sound philosophical?What I mean is that on the one hand, I’ve learned a lot about Reiki in the past five years or so. I’ve taught lots of people around the world, and aim to teach …
Stigma and Cred
I first learned Reiki in person from a teacher, and took the Master/Teacher level in a class, in person. It was traditional Usui Reiki training. I found that my training left some things to be desired. There was no instruction on intuition, for example, or chakras. I was not taught how to feel and experience […]
The Practical Reiki Companion is HERE!
In response to student request, I’ve created a workbook for Practical Reiki students and teachers. It’s called The Practical Reiki Companion, and it’s now available! I started out writing this workbook to offer students a way to log and keep track of their practices and healing experiences. But, as things often do, it became so much […]
42 – The Meaning of Life
In the first novel and radio series, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. The Ultimate […]
On the phone today, during a coaching call with one of my students, I heard that there is someone on the big conference circuit who is teaching a workshop in “everyday shamanism.” Sounds nice. She’s up there with Doreen Virtue, Gregg Braden, and other bigwigs. Except that my student reported that this person is telling […]
I’ve Been Promoted
This has been a very eventful summer! I wrote a book about Reiki. Over 100 copies have been sold in the first month. Now I’ve launched the next step in my practice – a school of intuitive development, The Reiki Awakening Academy. It felt right – to make more classes available to more people, in […]
Peeking Behind Oz’s Curtain
Some interesting things are happening lately, and I’m treating the experiences like little peeks at the workings going on behind the scenes. This series of events seem like they could lead me where I’m hoping to go, and yet they leave me wondering. Ah, the mysteries of life – LOL! Here they are: Two days […]
Thanksgiving 2010
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to focus on what blesses our lives. I would like to share some conventional and also some possibly “out there” things that I feel grateful for this Thanksgiving. My wonderful husband, Evan. First, foremost, and always. He is the one who supports, encourages me, and keeps me grounded. He lets […]