Shoes for Energy Healers and Earthing Fans
There’s a company that makes shoes for energy healers, and those who are interested in “Earthing,” or connecting energy with the earth for all of the health benefits that come with it. Earthing is real, it’s also called grounding, and I incorporate it into my practice daily. A word on earthing/grounding:There are many ways to get […]
The Summer Stretch
This is our first summer living in Maryland. I truly love living here. I love our neighborhood, our house and yard that is just the right size for our big family, and how near we are to a multitude of activities ranging from Washington, DC museums to a day on the beach. My kids are growing. […]
12-12-12 and the Children
As a family with a more active awareness of metaphysical practices than the average, we tend to have some different issues too. An interesting thing happened today, and I thought I’d share it.For some reason I can’t really fathom, this morning my 10-ye…
Standing on the Ground in Sandals
One of the books that I most recommend to my students is Clintin Ober’s Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? because, as Ober explains, “the surface of the Earth contains limitless healing energy. Science has discovered this energy as free-flowing electrons constantly replenished by solar radiation and lightning. Few people know it, but the ground […]
42 – The Meaning of Life
In the first novel and radio series, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. The Ultimate […]
Communicating with Angels with Your Feet on the Ground
I have just spent an afternoon absorbed, fully enrapt, in a book. This is rare for me because I have very limited chunks of time. But I couldn’t, wouldn’t drag myself away. It was just this good. I have to tell you about it, and also tell you why it is incorporated into the way […]
The Lessons of the Summer
After a couple very slow weeks, things have started happening. I’m happy to welcome some new students – Kundalini Reiki students and Energy Healing Mentoring Program students. I also did some searching for places to teach Reiki in my local area and came up with a few possibilities, which I pursued. There have been some […]
Trying Not to Try
In my last post, I was experiencing some computer difficulties, and mentioned that I would be spending the weekend away for some R&R, friends, family & energy work. I also mentioned that I had been feeling a little “stuck” lately and hoped that would resolve itself soon. Here’s an update. The computer issues are resolved. […]